What a fabulous day the PPN Transformation Summit turned out to be. Despite the weather, the Hurlingham Club delivered bucket loads of style, superb food and lent itself brilliantly to the carefully curated atmosphere of learning, networking and general enjoyment! The main hall was filled with carefully selected partners, along with sofas scattered around for casual discussions and meetings and general catch-ups. The two breakout rooms that hosted the excellent keynote speakers were buzzing with interest.

Matthew Syed (the ping-pong guy!) was up first, with an inspiring talk on what makes success. The key takeaways from his talk were focused around good leadership, healthy competition, the landscape and passion. His explanation of why ‘talent’ isn’t an important factor in light of the fixed and growth mindsets was excellent. His quote about how a CEO needed to change the culture from an organisation of ‘Know it alls’ to an organisation of ‘Learn it alls’ was one to remember!
Next up was a panel discussion on the Crafting of an Intelligent Automation Roadmap to thrive to this Hyperconnected Economy. Our CEO, John Wallace, was asked to join as a last-minute replacement for Andrew Parris from Tarmac who was stuck on a train in Coventry! One of the areas of discussion was data. John explained that focusing on delivering data so human intelligence can work with automation to constantly improve processes. ‘Engaging with people to ensure they don’t see automation as a threat is key. Usually, when we implement a workflow solution it doesn’t result in people being out of work. It’s about allowing people to do more interesting, meaningful work.’

Documation were delighted to be sponsoring Kate O’Neill’s talk just before lunch on 10 Fundamental Insights about the Tech-Driven Future for Humanity. On her list of 10 insights was that Humans Crave Meaning. The shape meaning takes in business is purpose. Strategic purpose gives you purposeful Strategy! The work of aligning the business around strategic purpose and meaningful experiences leads to greater profit and happier humans!
The afternoon saw a full schedule of talks around automation, collaboration, neuroscience, and careers in P2P.
The day culminated in the Annual prizegiving. We were proud to be sponsoring the award for the Outstanding Contribution to P2P. The finalist in this category was Jason Lowe from XPO logistics and the winner of the award was Phil McGaffin from Warwickshire County Council. Massive congratulations to them both for all their achievements in P2P. See you all next year!