At Documation we have a weekly video meeting with the whole team. Everyone is encouraged to share their news and involve their families, children, dogs …every member of the household!
During Friday’s meeting Kevin Jackson, Software test analyst, shared with us the news that he had become a volunteer for the NHS Prescription Delivery Service. This is his story…..

It all started with applying for the NHS Volunteer Responders service at the beginning of April. This is a service that has seen thousands of volunteers apply to offer support to the NHS in things as simple as just giving somebody who is self-isolating at home on their own a call so that they have somebody to chat to, or something a bit more involved like picking up and transporting medical equipment or patients. Once you are accepted as a volunteer you can install an app on your phone and when somebody needs your help you receive an alert notification which you can respond to.
I picked up my first alert a couple of weeks ago which required me to go to the Outpatients Pharmacy at Southampton General Hospital to pick up some medication to deliver to a patient in the local community. However, when I got to the pharmacy there was a bit of confusion as to what I was supposed to deliver and in the end I wasn’t required.
I did however leave my contact details with the pharmacy and as a result of this I received a phone call earlier this week asking if I would be interested in joining the volunteer rota for the Prescription Delivery service. I explained that I was still working full-time but I would be available to help out at the weekend and a couple of hours later I received another call to confirm that they would be happy to set up a rota for Saturday mornings. I therefore went up to the hospital on Friday and was shown around the pharmacy and given a brief induction. I then went off and had my NHS ID badge printed which I have since found out allows me to skip the queues when I go to the supermarket which is a great
On Saturday morning I arrived at the pharmacy at 9:00 and I was given a route of 5 deliveries to make across Southampton. Everybody I delivered to was very grateful and I was really happy and proud to have done my bit to help during these unprecedented circumstances. I was finished by around 10:45 and on my return to the hospital they asked if I would be happy to extend the route to 10 deliveries next week which I was more than happy to agree to. I will therefore be back reporting for duty next Saturday at 9:00 and whilst the local community are still unable to visit the Outpatients Pharmacy for the foreseeable future then I guess I will be back doing my rounds for quite a few weeks to come.