We were a premium partner at the Accounts Payable Association Annual Conference and Expo ( #APAEvent ) a couple of weeks ago and what a great event it was! Packed with interesting, and interested delegates, all industry-relevant, we thoroughly enjoyed chatting with everyone throughout the day about anything AP automation related.
Claire Lomas gave a moving talk on how her life changed in a split second and demonstrated the robotics suit that enabled her complete the London Marathon. It was so inspirational we decided to ‘employ’ Robbie the Robot, our resident robot automata, to collect donations for Claire’s chosen charity. For each coin ‘eaten’ by Robbie, Documation donated an additional £5. We managed to raise a total of £250. We will continue to employ Robbie at future events we attend and to work with Claire to support her projects.
John Wallace was our resident Keynote speaker and his talk on using the power and avoiding the pitfalls of Robotics, AI and Data Analytics was informative and also very funny! The comparison of Theresa May and the Robot dancing was unforgettable (if you would like a copy of the presentation just get in touch!)
We had a busy demo room all morning with Nick White in charge taking questions from the floor and handing out our special chocolate robots! (Thanks Chococo)
The day ended with AP industry awards. We were proud to sponsor the AP team awards and had winners from Tarmac, Claire’s UK, Interserve and JN Bentley. Many congratulations to you all!
To help Claire Lomas achieve her next goal please visit her Just Giving Page and donate!